

As Vancouver electrical contractors, we are aware that all retail projects have their dynamics which must be tackled in accordance with the specific retail project circumstances. We have extensive experience in the implementation of variously demanding retail projects, such as entire maintenance and power connections, wiring and lighting for restaurants and retail market facilities, other types of buildings such as shopping centers, grocery and other stores, banks, cinemas, etc. When necessary, we implement upgrading projects and build power connections to all places needed. As professional Vancouver electrical contractors, we work to meet the necessary deadlines and always strive to carry out our activities in such a manner as to cause minimal disruption to public facilities so that they can keep functioning as smoothly as possible.

We start with a free estimate of retail projects which we send to our customers in the manner preferred by them, via email, phone, or fax. With SNG Electric, the most reasonable rates are available accompanied by dedicated work on retail projects that meets customers’ needs and requirements and conforms to modern standards and regulations.

To insure the highest quality of project implementation, as Vancouver electrical contractors we partner with companies and suppliers whose level of services is of prime quality, to offer the smooth implementation of retail projects during which all time and budget limits are strictly met, and the quality of projects implemented is excellent. Furthermore, we offer our customers energy solutions that are environment friendly and thus we strive to take care of the environment and also aid our clients to achieve savings.

Take advantage of SNG Electric’s expertise and professionalism, on our staff of solution oriented managers and electricians, and we guarantee the solving of all your electrical issues with respect to the retail projects you have to offer for implementation.


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